Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Chappell and I are in Pcola for the entire week.  Chappell is doing so well with her schedule, and I really think it is helping her to have some stability.  She's still sleeping about 12 hours, plus or minus a few minutes here and there.  We are putting her down between 8:15 and 8:30, and get her between 7:45 and 8:00.  
Today I took her with me to the Pear to get a manicure and pedicure and she just sat in my lap the entire time.  She talked to everyone and was in a great mood.  I'm enjoying this age.  She's still little and cute, but she is so much more interactive.
Yesterday Auntie Magda (who is in town) went with us to have her 4 month photo shoot.  I got the idea from Allison Godwin, who took her 4 month old, Riley, in for his a couple weeks ago.  Cook Images took pictures for both of our weddings, and it was so much fun to go back with Chappell.  I think they got a lot of good shots and I can't wait to see them!  Riley's were adorable, so hopefully her's will be half as good!
ML's in town for the week from Florence, Italy, where she is spending the semester.  Mom and Dad went back to visit her last week and got Chappell some adorable Italian shoes and a dress.  You will see the outfit in her pictures!  She also wore a dress that her Grandmother (Emmy) made for her.  Ughhh I can't wait to see them.  
I'm running around getting ready for MC's wedding this weekend.  I know I will have lots of pictures from that coming soon!


Coley said...

Thanks for updating your post... but I get really upset when I have to read something without pictures!!! ALWAYS post pictures!! XOXOXOXOX

Allison & Michael Godwin said...

I will read whether you post pictures of that precious girl or not...but I really get upset when you don't update but twice in a week! I am glad your in Pcola (& jealous too), but I am feeling neglected this week!

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