Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A few of the new house

I'm going to put these up here, but you must understand that things don't look very good yet! I'm still working on unpacking/organizing... and nothing's really on the walls. Plus things are a little messy from the move. The bedding in our room is just temporary. We don't have any king size bedding yet, so we borrowed sheets from my parents! The comforter is old and won't be in there. If any of you have any good fabric websites or bedding websites, feel free to share. I suppose I have provided the necessary disclaimers.
Here we go... I need to stop blogging and start working!
I'll add pictures of the guest room and other areas later.
PS... Chaps was napping on our bed while I took these and couldn't resist adding her. We're gearing up for Easter... to explain the Bunny slippers and matching outfit. I'm aware it's seersucker but we aren't going out today, and she has about 10 Easter outfits to get out of the way before it's actually here!


Allison & Michael Godwin said...

I like how I request you add pictures and you do. This is really working for me! The house looks great and I cannot wait to see it in person.

Holland said...

hah remember... i don't have a job! i guess i'm your blog slave.

Anonymous said...

OMG! It looks SO GOOD! you're such a happy homemaker!

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